Ashley Hutchings noted in his songbook A Little Music:
"Until fairly recently the annual excursion to pick hops in Kent was the only holiday of the year for many Cockney
families. It wasn't much of a rest for them, as this song indicates.
Gypsies, too, were regular hop-pickers - going where the seasonal work took them. This tune was collected from a Sussex
gypsy, Mary Ann Haynes, by Mike Yates."
This song was recorded by the Albion Band for a single in 1976 and included on their 1977 album The Prospect Before Us. The
Albion Dance Band performed this twice on BBC radio sessions. One with Shirley Collins singing was recorded on July 22, 1976
and included on The BBC Sessions; the other and much faster one with John Tams singing on probably May 31, 1977 was published
on The Albion Band Live in Concert - BBC Radio 1. Both versions were also added to the Ashley Hutchings 4CD anthology Burning
Bright. The Albion Band also performed this song live in Switzerland in 1978 at the 7. Folk-Festival auf der Lenzburg.
Compare this to Luise Fuller singing Hopping Down in Kent in a 1972 recording in Sussex by Mike Yates on the Topic LP Green
Grow the Laurels: Country Singers from the South and CD Hidden English: A Celebration of English Traditional Music and on
The Rough Guide to English Roots Music.
Now hopping's just beginning, We've got some time to spend. We've only come down hopping To earn a quid if
we can.
Chorus (after each verse): With a tee-i-ay, tee-i-ay Tee-i-ee-i-ay
Every Monday morning Just
at six o'clock You'll hear them hoppers calling: Get up and boil you pots!
Early Tuesday morning The bookie
he'll come round With a bag of money He'll flop it on the ground.
Says,Do you want some money? Yes sir,
if you please, To buy a hock of bacon And a lump of mouldy cheese.
Now here comes our old measurer With
his long nose and chin And his ten-gallon basket And don't he pop 'em in!
Now hopping is all over All
the money spent Don't I wish I'd never done No hopping down in Kent.
I say one, I say two, No more hopping
I shall do. Tee-i-ay, tee-i-ay Tee-i-ee-i-ay